Content of review 1, reviewed on April 12, 2020

Abstract section: 1." the beginning of the abstract should be more specific for schizophrenia, like its definition and genetic relationship with the disease. 2.In the last decade, molecular genetic research has produced novel findings, infusing optimism about discovering the biological roots of schizophrenia."It is better to be : In the previous studies, molecular genetic research has produced novel findings, infusing optimism about discovering the biological roots of schizophrenia." 3."Giving summarized data about the ecology -genetics relation with disease."

INTRODUCTION section; 4." The introduction must begins with a brief medical history to the disease." 5."Because this article is related with the survey of the diagnostics methods of the disease, it should has a brief history about the first methods used in its diagnosis, especially the clinical ones." 6." amention to the related of disease with sex and if there is any molecular reasons in this association."

MODELS OF GENETIC TRANSMISSION section: 7." This section needs more data and scientific explanation for the disease transmition in same family." 8. "The references used some what old." MOLECULAR GENETICS section" 9."needs more results of updating researches that interested with the genetic transsmision of disease in the families and sibling pairs." 10." This section talked about the most candidate genes but there is no mention to more related SNPs and restriction sites." 11.' There is no mention to the the most accurate and accepted costly molecular methods used for diagnosing this disease." 12." There is no any mentioning to what more gender related to disease, and the molecular reasons for this."

LIMITATIONS AND CHALLENGES section: 13."This part assumed to give the limitations about how can the researcher known from the molecular results that already obtained the type and degree of the disease." 14." There is a big obstacle in getting sample, and how much the patient be honest in the questionnaire that had been already taken due to the nature of his disease."

REFERENCES section" "needs more updating researches."


    © 2020 the Reviewer.


    G., H. M., Julie, N., B., J. L. 2017. Genetics of Schizophrenia: Overview of Methods, Findings and Limitations. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.