Content of review 1, reviewed on April 30, 2024

The authors provide a succinct overview of implementation of MS in their curriculum in a mixture of well-known and novel experiments, containing experiments both published in journals of Higher Education and some yet to be published, and it clearly the summary of significant curriculum design. It constitutes a Mini Review of a good quality and range which I strongly recommend for publication in this journal.

The work clearly demonstrates integration of MS into the authors’ curriculum with its complementarity to other techniques and theoretical content outlined. This paper will be of benefit for readers working in a range of Higher Education institutions considering the complementarity of MS with other aspects of their curriculum. I have, however, some minor suggestions to improve this reading experience of the audience of this journal on this topic (please see below).

Page 1 Lines 52-53: Please note that not all pre-university courses necessarily cover MS in significant detail (consider Access to HE, BTEC and T-level curricula where such content is often optional or not included, or indeed curricula internationally). Consider re-wording if it is only the curricula accepted by the authors’ institution that cover MS pre-university.

Page 2 Line 10: See above comment on Page 1 Lines 52-53 and consider qualifying this statement.

Page 2 Line 13: Please use “IR spectroscopy” and “NMR spectroscopy”.

Page 2 Lines 32-33: The authors reference their published work on the spiral curriculum though this may be an unfamiliar term to readers of this journal. I suggest adding just a few words of explanation of this term at this point for their benefit (I can see this is followed-up on in Page 3 Line 3).

Page 3 Line 20: See above comment on Page 1 Lines 52-53 and consider qualifying this statement.

Page 5 Line 21: As a reader I’d be interested to know here how the timing of this experiment relates to students’ encounter with this mechanism in their learning outside the lab, and as such whether the lab is preceding their learning on it in the classroom or whether the lab acts as an ‘unexpected’ application of this theory already encountered. Consider adding a little wording to this effect if possible.

Page 5 Lines 34-35: See above comment on Page 5 Line 21 and consider whether it is possible to add information on when the students will encounter the related theory in future.

Page 5 Line 46: Please use “IR spectroscopy” and “NMR spectroscopy”.

Tables 1,2,3: Please add a brief caption.

Figure 3: Please add a brief caption.

Figure 8: Appears to be mislabelled as Figure 5.


    © 2024 the Reviewer.


    F., W. A., D., C. C., O., M. M., I., S. M. 2024. University teaching of mass spectrometry as a key practical technique within the context of a fully integrated, spiral curriculum. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.