Content of review 1, reviewed on November 01, 2023

Comments to Authors,

Dear Authors, The paper is well-written and the results are clear and supported by appropriate figures. However, I have some major revisions that need to be addressed before the paper can be accepted for publication in International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Wiley. These are:

  1. The abstract needs to be revised for clarity and grammar. There are several typos and errors in the first 8-10 lines of the abstract that should be corrected.

  2. The value of N, which is the number of quantum dots, should be explicitly stated in the manuscript. This is an important parameter that affects the system dynamics and the PTIT and OMIT phenomena.

  3. There are some typing errors related to LaTeX in Eqs. (3) and (5). These should be fixed to avoid confusion.

  4. The noise terms in Eq (3) should be explained in more detail. The authors should also mention the noise correlations that are present in this system Hamiltonian and how they affect the results.

  5. The mechanism of how the single Fano resonance splits into a double Fano resonance should be elaborated. The authors claim that this is due to the dressed state mediated by the single-photon state and the QDs, but they do not provide enough explanation or references to support this claim.

  6. The figure captions should be consistent and uniform in format and style. They should also provide sufficient information to understand the figures without referring to the main text.

  7. The authors should cite some relevant works on hybrid cavity and coupled cavity optomechanical systems that have been published recently. These works can provide some context and comparison for the current study. Some examples are:

JOSA B 31 (10), 2390-2398 (2014); Frontier in Physics 11, 1142452 (2023); Quantum Information Processing 22, 198 (2023); Physics Letter A, 442, 128181 (2022); J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54, 215502 (2021); Quantum Information Processing 21, 47 (2022); Quantum Information Processing 22, 301(2023); International Journal of Theoretical Physics 55, 287-301 (2016); International Journal of Theoretical Physics 58, 2418-2427 (2019).


    © 2023 the Reviewer.

Content of review 2, reviewed on January 01, 2024

Dear Authors,

The manuscript is revised based on the given comments and it can be published in the present form.


    © 2024 the Reviewer.


    Huayin, H., Fan, G., Zixiang, G., Jinzhao, X., Jianhao, C., Chunchao, Y., Fang, C., Boyun, W., Huafeng, Z., Lihui, S. 2024. Photothermally and optomechanically induced transparency in a hybrid optomechanical system. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry.