Content of review 1, reviewed on December 25, 2023

Dear Author(s),

I would like to express my appreciation for your manuscript. It was an engaging read, and the narrative flow was smooth, with issues clearly presented and well-supported by prior research. However, I have identified several aspects that require revision:

  1. Incorporate Cross-Context Comparisons: Currently, your paper primarily focuses on a comparison between Malaysia and China. To enhance the breadth and relevance of your study, consider including similar cases from other contexts. This addition will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the topic and strengthen the generalizability of your findings.

  2. Reorganize Results: It is advisable to present your results in alignment with the research questions posed. Restructure your presentation so that it is evident to readers that the results correspond to each specific research question. This reorganization will improve the clarity and coherence of your manuscript.

  3. Highlight Novel Insights: The results as presented do not appear to offer particularly novel insights. The observation that students pursue degrees and research experience when studying abroad, such as in Malaysia, may be seen as somewhat expected. To enhance the uniqueness of your study, you should provide a more compelling argument for its originality. This could involve incorporating comparative cases from different contexts to underscore the distinctiveness of your findings.

I trust that this feedback will prove beneficial to you as you refine your manuscript. I wish you the best of luck with your work.




    © 2023 the Reviewer.


    Hengzhi, H., Wanyu, W. 2024. Unveiling the Employability Landscape: Chinese International Doctoral Students in Malaysian Universities. Education as Change.