Content of review 1, reviewed on September 21, 2022

Interesting article on advanced gastric cancer with patients with Borrmann IV peritoneal carcinosis. important examination, based on bibliographic data, on the evolution over time of patients with this type of disease. It is mentioned at the end of the discussion on which are the weak points in the work and with which we agree. Eventually this becomes a strength. A better point could be made on neoadjuvant therapy especially in the light, where there is an indication, of pipac. Pleasant reading good related images and statistics. In conclusion it is a good article that adds a brick to the research for lowering the fifth cause of cancer death


    © 2022 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Yiran, C., Yanyan, C., Liping, W., Laizhen, T., Haiyong, W., Lisong, T. 2022. PN3b as an independent risk factor for poor prognosis and peritoneal recurrence in Borrmann type IV gastric cancer: A retrospective cohort study. Frontiers in Surgery.