Content of review 1, reviewed on January 25, 2021

General comments: The authors investigated the preventive effects of galantamine, an acetylcholine esterase inhibitor, on hyperoxia-induced brain injury and the mechanisms that mediate these effects. Galantamine reduced neuronal loss, decreased cytokines and ROS and apoptosis, and improved long term neurobehavioral outcomes. The authors conclude that galantamine plays a potential therapeutic role in hyperoxia-induced brain injury.

General concerns: 1. Abbreviation: Please follow the author’s instructions to use the abbreviations. For example, the authors could delete FCS, LDT, NA, and ChAT. Please correct them throughout the manuscript. 2. Methods: Please describe the rational of galantamine dosage in the in vivo study. 3. Methods: Please describe the methods to quantify cells in Figures 2 and 4. 4. Methods: Please explain the reason to measure cytokine on postnatal day 8 and examine brain tissue on postnatal day 14. 5. Results: The oxygen concentration was rather high (95%). Please describe the survival rate of each group during the study period.


    © 2021 the Reviewer.


    Nahla, Z., S., C. N., R., A. K., Hsiu-Ling, L., Dalibor, K., N., A. M. 2023. Galantamine ameliorates hyperoxia-induced brain injury in neonatal mice. Frontiers in Neuroscience.