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Response Objects

API responses are constructed from a number of objects.

Pagination objects

All list views return a pagination object containing details of the resulting list and links to navigate to the next and previous pages.

    "count": [Number],
    "next": [String] | null,
    "previous": [String] | null,
    "results": [

Academic objects

Academic objects contain details of an academic, their reviews and affiliations. Reviews are linked using URLs as they require pagination.

    "ids": [Object:ID],
    "publishing_name": [String],
    "bio": '',
    "affiliations": {
       'institution': [
        'other': [],
    "reviews": {
        pre: {
            "count": [Int]
            "url": [URL]
        post: {
            "count": [Int]
            "url": [URL]

ID objects

ID objects specify identifiers and URLs for their parent object. The fields vary depending on the type of object. For example review objects utilise nested IDs as they have two different contexts, article objects have a DOI and journal objects have an ISSN and EISSN.

"ids": {
   "url": ?[URL],
   "api": ?[URL],
   "id": ?[String],
   "orcid": ?[String],
   "issn": ?[String],
   "eissn": ?[String],
   "doi": ?[String],
   "academic": ?[Object:ID],
   "article": ?[Object:ID]

Institution objects

Shows details of an institution an academic is affiliated with.

    "name": "[String]"
    "ids": "[Object:ID]",

Affiliation objects

Affiliation objects show any non institutional affiliations an academic has specified.

    "name": "[String]",
    "url": [URL] | null,

Review objects

Review objects show details of a peer review. Several fields on the review object may be null depending on the permissions set by the reviewer and the type of request.

    "ids": [Object:ID],
    "date_reviewed": [String (YYYY)] | [String (YYYY-MM-DD)],
    "verification": {
        "verified": [Boolean]
    "publisher": [Object:Publisher] | null,
    "journal": [Object:Journal] | null,
    "article": [Object:Article] | null,

Publisher objects

Publisher objects show details of the publisher who facilitated the review. They are only shown if the reviewer elects to disclose the publisher they reviewed for.

    "ids": [Object:ID],
    "title": [String],

Journal objects

Journal objects show details of the journal who facilitated the review. They are only shown if the reviewer elects to disclose the journal they reviewed for. Journal objects are restricted to privileged requests.

    "ids": [Object:ID],
    "name": [String],

Article objects

Article objects show details of the article under review. They are only shown if the reviewer elects to disclose the article they reviewed. Future endpoints are planned to query articles directly with more detail. Article objects are restricted to privileged requests.

    "ids": [Object:ID],
    "title": [String],