Content of review 1, reviewed on September 11, 2016

There is a paucity of reptile genomes given the number of species within this vertebrate group, making any additional reptile genome assembly an important additional to the list. The manuscript "Draft genome of the leopard gecko, Eublepaharis macularius" by Xiong et al reports a brief description of the assembly and gene content analysis of the leopard gecko genome. Being able to now compare genomes with atypical gecko features to that of Gekko japonicas will help to uncover the genomic features contributing to the more typical gecko features. The authors have generated a genome assembly and gene build of similar quality to Gekko japonicas and it will be useful for comparative genomic investigations.

Minor revisions:

Table S2: Assembly statistics for Pogona vitticeps should be added to this table for completeness [Georges et al (2015) Gigascience 4:45]. The text in the manuscript relating to this table would also need to be updated and should be changed to "Comparison of assembly N50s of leopard gecko and the eleven other published reptile genomes…"

Line 102: change to "…captured 225 (91%) of the 248…"

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    Zijun, X., Fang, L., Qiye, L., Long, Z., Tony, G., Jiao, Z., Ling, K., Cai, L., Shengbin, L., Huanming, Y., Guojie, Z. 2016. Draft genome of the leopard gecko, Eublepharis macularius. GigaScience.