Content of review 1, reviewed on November 28, 2022






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Frontiers in Endocrinology Editorial Office To: Maryam Zahedi

Sat, Aug 20 at 2:13 AM

Dear Dr Zahedi,

Thank you for submitting your independent review report for the manuscript "Impact of admission and early persistent stress hyperglycaemia on clinical outcomes in acute pancreatitis". As you endorsed publication of this manuscript in its current form, your peer review process is now finalized. The handling editor has been notified, and you can find a copy of your report below.

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-----------MANUSCRIPT DETAILS----------- Manuscript title: Impact of admission and early persistent stress hyperglycaemia on clinical outcomes in acute pancreatitis Manuscript ID: 998499 Authors: Xinmin Yang, Na Shi, Wenhua He, Ping Zhu, Sheyu Li, Lan Li, Yuying Li, Linbo Yao, Shiyu Liu, Lihui Deng, Tao Jin, Tingting Liu, Nonghua Lu, John Windsor, Robert Sutton, Yin Zhu, Qing Xia and Wei Huang Journal: Frontiers in Endocrinology, section Clinical Diabetes Article type: Original Research Submitted on: 20 Jul 2022 Edited by: Ruben Nogueiras

Frontiers Review Guidelines

To ensure an efficient review process, please familiarize yourself with the Frontiers review guidelines. The Frontiers review process has unique features, including an interactive review stage, and a focus on objective criteria.

------------------- Independent Review Report, Reviewer: Maryam Zahedi EVALUATION Please list your revision requests for the authors and provide your detailed comments, including highlighting limitations and strengths of the study and evaluating the validity of the methods, results, and data interpretation. If you have additional comments based on Q2 and Q3 you can add them as well. Thanking you for giving me the opportunity to review this fine article, I recommend the following points: - If the definition of the group with SHG was based on the recommended glucose range during hospitalization in people with and without a history of diabetes, the results would be clearer. Although it has been said that these limits of SHG definitions have been evaluated according to reference number 18. - In the abstract, the results, what is the meaning of the first sentence "SHG on admission was present in 27.8% (499/1792) patients; transient SHG was found in 31% (556/1792) and persistent SHG in 8.0% (144/1792) patients."? While the total percentage of people with SHG on admission is less than the total of persistent and transient. Does it mean that some people may not have hyperglycemia during hospitalization and they developed SHG during the first week? According to the definitions provided, this sentence is ambiguous. - Despite the examination of many variables and many appropriate analyses, it is not bad to determine how many people with persistent SHG were diabetic or non-diabetic. - In the method, it is said that for checking BG during the first week, sampling was done every day before eating, but there is no reference to the state of receiving serum containing glucose and the fasting period. - What time period were the cohort studies used? It is better to add the time of the cohort studies used in the method. - Since the relationship between SHG and the severity of AP is bilateral, this topic should be discussed. It means that people with more severe AP may have more severe SHG or that people with more severe SHG may have more severe AP. - And finally, if it is possible to investigate, in this study or in a future study, the status of incident DM in the following years should be investigated in these patients.


    © 2022 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Xinmin, Y., Na, S., Linbo, Y., Wenhua, H., Ping, Z., Sheyu, L., Lan, L., Yuying, L., Shiyu, L., Lihui, D., Tao, J., Tingting, L., Nonghua, L., A., W. J., Robert, S., Yin, Z., Qing, X., Wei, H. 2022. Impact of admission and early persistent stress hyperglycaemia on clinical outcomes in acute pancreatitis. Frontiers in Endocrinology.