Content of review 1, reviewed on September 28, 2020

Authors presented one of the vital problems in waterways "fouling" and its mitigation. They examined four molluscicides and their efficacy vs. temperature seasonal variation (7, 12, 17, and 22 °C) and time between 2016 to 2017 to reach complete eradication of the fouling mussel Dreissena polymorpha. Authors stressed on the shortage in literature about toxicants required to completely mitigate zebra mussels at various parameters. Toxicity of the four molluscicides (EarthTec QZ, Zequanox, niclosamide and potassium chloride) was calculated using verified references (SAS software 2010, Probit regression analysis and confidence interval & significance value ) and curves are informative.

The aim of the study is clear, the title is expressive, references are recent within the paper subject, the paper is well articulated and the results are acceptable: three of the four molluscicides (EarthTec QZ, niclosamideselected and KCl) were completely potent against Dreissena polymorpha at multiple temperatures and exposure durations, where as Zequanox did not achieve the targeted complete mussels mortality. Authors clearly notified the negative impact on non-target organisms "When feasible, longer treatments conducted in warm waters would likely be more cost effective and may reduce nontarget animal impacts" supported with verified organization data (U.S. EPA 1999). The paper could be considered as a guide reference for future use with caution of the studied molluscicides.


    © 2020 the Reviewer.


    A., L. J., J., S. T., T., B. M., K., W. J. 2018. Effects of temperature and exposure duration on four potential rapid-response tools for zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) eradication. Management of Biological Invasions.