Content of review 1, reviewed on October 27, 2020

The aim of this paper is clear. The paper focuses on; what methods can be used appropriately to avoid drought like conditions and make Maharashtra drought free. The title of this paper is very informative and has a problem solving approach towards the conditions in Village areas. The references are appropriately examined and referred in the present study.

The present study not only focuses on main aim but serves many other important objectives with it. The research question is clear and justified. Proper planning and actions to be taken are clear. The method used in this study is effective; the only thing to be taken care of is spreading awareness among people of that particular drought prone area which is a bit challenging in this work. The data used are relevant and clearly presented.

The gap analysis is missing in the study; it can give significant results if implemented properly. The conclusions clearly are dependent upon the initiatives taken and positive approach of people of that area. In this work, proper planning and suggestions are given, which clearly signifies that there is a wide scope of improvement of handling such drought prone areas and situations of drought conditions practically.

No major flaws are detected. The article is consistent within itself.


    © 2020 the Reviewer.


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