Content of review 1, reviewed on March 27, 2020


The aim of this paper was to predict the probability of achieving offensive performance according to the tactical and contextual dimensions in dynamic ball possessions in the Spanish soccer league.The main findings show, through multinomial regression models, that to perform penetration actions after recovering the ball and progress through fast attacks or counterattacks and with long possessions proved to be more effective in creating scoring opportunities, than by combinative attacks or short possessions. In addition, although playing at home and against high level opponents was more likely to achieve an offensive penetration, it was not decisive in the likelihood of creating scoring opportunities.

Strengths and limitations

The strengths of this paper are in the short, precise and coherent format of the study, using the support, strength and trust that multivariate analyzes provide. The limitations are related to the small number of tactical variables, but especially, that only a sample of matches is used to reflect a descriptive approach to them, but that cannot be predictive of what can happen in the Spanish soccer league.

Aspects of the checklist

Article is very accurate and effective in its field, and has sufficient quality to be published in this publication. So that nothing can detract can be improved in some aspects.

Abstract is Ok, all very clear

Introduction Brief and Simple, there is a good thread to get to determine the aim of study. Some more current references to the multitude of studies related to the tactical dimension in football would be missing. For example, in paragraph 4, when discussing studies to describe the football match actions, you should add some more current reference, it is recommended: Match analysis in football: a systematic review: Hugo Sarmento, Rui Marcelino, M Teresa Anguera, Jorge CampaniÇo, Nuno Matos & José Carlos LeitÃo (2014) Journal of Sports Sciences, 32:20, 1831-1843, DOI: 10.1080 / 02640414.2014.898852.

Method Sample When talking about the unit of analysis was a "team possession", which began in a dynamic game situation. You must say how far the ball possession extends once it starts or when it ends (It is a consequence of a change of ball possession without having left the field and without game interruption? Clarify).

Variables It is said that four independent tactical dimensions were evaluated. Although they are shown in Table 1, I think they should relate briefly. Regarding the first (Initial Penetration) I think it is better to use the offensive depth noun in the first three seconds of the team possession, rather than offensive directness.

Where it is said : Four independent tactical dimensions (Table 1) were evaluated based pm the observational tool, replace with based on

All Figures 1, 2 and 3 reflect and define the different categories very well on a graphic level

Match Performance Analysis In the first paragraph when talking about inter-observer and intra-observer analysis, the same observed should be changed to observers?? In addition, it should be said which soccer match was analyzed (107 team possessions) for reliability.

Statistic analysis The statistical analysis is very well explained, but it should be clarified or added that the different levels of penetration reflect the 3 categories of the offensive performance achieved in the ball possession, which is definitely the politomic dependent variable.


Table 2 shows the descriptive analysis of the sample. When observing this table, the total frequency data in almost most of the categories studied do not add up to the total possessions (1860). For example in Initial Penetration, the sum of non-penetration possessions 1019 + penetration 816 is a total of 1835. What has happened with the categorization of the remaining 25?? In addition, in this category the % frequency exceeds 100% of the total (65.5+ 44.5 = 110%??). Also, the total data of the 3 categories of offensive performance: No offensive penetration (729), offensive penetration (938) and scoring opportunity (186) do not add up to a total of 1860. Please review and present the data correctly.

Regarding Table 3. Please put the correct title to table 3: Multilevel multinomial logistic regressing by Multilevel multinomial logistic regression. In addition, in Table 3, in the Attack Duration category, if the reference category to compare is 0-10 seconds (ref), it cannot hold the informative data, if it does not appear that the reference category is +31 seconds. Move the data to the exact place.

Please, in table 4 and table 5, in the category Duration of the attack (ref), place the informative data of the variables in relation to the reference category, and put them in the appropriate place.

In the last paragraph, when talking about goal scoring opportunities, a series of figures are related, but it seems to me that in the text they have been confused: Figure 1 - Change to figure 4.; Figure 2 - Change to figure 5; and Figure 3 - change to figure 6.

Discussion very well organized and contrasted with precise and interesting contributions and conclusions.


    © 2020 the Reviewer.


    Joaquin, G., Rodrigo, A., Andres, T., Ferran, C. M., A., C. C., Rafael, A. 2019. Effect of Match Location, Team Ranking, Match Status and Tactical Dimensions on the Offensive Performance in Spanish 'La Liga' Soccer Matches. Frontiers in Psychology.