Content of review 1, reviewed on June 18, 2018

Overall statement or summary : The overall prevalence of microalbuminuria was 10.7% and macroalbuminuria 4.9%. In type 1 Type 1 patients microalbuminuria was 12% and macroalbuminuria was 12%. Weaknesses 1. Small sample size resulting in large variability 2. Generalization of the results may be not be possible because the study was done in a tertiary institution [university college hospital outpatients]. Also may create selection bias 3. The study is strong when the design is randomized controlled trial. Major points In type 1 patients microalbuminuria was 12% and macroalbuminuria 1%. In type 2, 9.8% had microalbuminuria and 7.2% had macroalbuminuria. Type 2 diabetes with abnormal albumin excretion rate had significantly longer diabetes duration 7.5 (0.2 - 24 years) than those with normal albumin excretion rate 3 (0 - 25 years). Minor points No significant differences in body mass index, glycaemic control, and cholesterol level was found patients with normal compared with those with elevated albumin excretion rate in Type 1 or Type 2 patients. A stepwise multiple linear regression among Type 2 patients, revealed albumin excretion rate (natural log excretion rate) as the depedent variable to be predicted by [odds ratio(95% confidence interval)] diabetes duration 0.090 (0.049, 0.131), p < 0.0001, systolic blood pressure 0.012 (0.003 - 0.021), p < 0.010 and serum creatinine 0.021 (0.012 - 0.030). Methodology: Inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria were not well discussed.


    © 2018 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


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