Content of review 1, reviewed on October 19, 2020

The summary includes the main objective of the work, basic procedures, data information and the main conclusions. The most novel and relevant aspects of the study are highlighted. References are relevant, recent, found correctly Translated keywords are included, according to the content of the subject of the manuscript and not included in the title of the work.

The information data mentioned is up-to-date, a good connection is made with the development of activities. Is clear what is already known about this topic.The research question justified given what is already known about the topic. The trials are correctly detailed and main conclusions are presented.

The procedure used is detailed enough for other professionals to reproduce the research, including references to the methodology and statistical methods used. The variables are defined and measured in an adequate way, the statistical methods used are in accordance with the data obtained. New methods that have been modified are detailed supporting their reasons

The data is presented in a logical order, that is to say in a suitable way, as the number of observations, the programs used are referenced, the origin and the license of use. Tables and figures are relevant and clearly presented, that is, the information contained in the text is not repeated. The titles, columns and rows are correctly labeled Presents units, rounded and number of suitable decimals The text of the results is not repeatable. You are clear about what a statistically significant result is, as it clearly indicates the margin of error, such as confidence intervals, uses statistical hypothesis testing, such as the use of "p" values

New and relevant aspects of the study are highlighted, the detailed information provided in the other sections is not repeated in a way. The conclusions respond to the objectives of the study, do not make unqualified statements and are not fully supported by the data. The conclusions are supported by references or results previously made. The study allows to inform future research, due to the content that is relevant and innovative.


    © 2020 the Reviewer.


    Mirian, V., Rodrigo, F. E., Simon, P., Daynet, S. D. C. 2018. FOLIAR ENDOPHYTE FUNGI AS CANDIDATE FOR BIOCONTROL AGAINST Moniliophthora spp. OF Theobroma cacao (Malvaceae) IN ECUADOR. Acta Biologica Colombiana.