Content of review 1, reviewed on January 04, 2016

This commentary describes the international Fish-T1K ("Transcriptomes of 1,000 Fishes") project that aims to "generate genome-wide transcriptome sequences for 1,000 diverse species of ray-finned fishes using RNA-seq". For this review report, I have focussed on the text and figures/tables only, not on the Fish-T1K project as such. I have no major comments or issues with the text as it is presented. There are a few textual suggestions that I will list at the end of this review. My only substantial comments are:

- I propose to merge Figure 2 and Suppl. Figure S1 into one table. There is no additional benefit of using pie charts to represent these data. Combining into one table has the added benefit of showing how Fish-T1K is already expand the scope of organisms for which transcriptome data are available
- I suggest adding a link in the section on "SOPs and best practices" to where SOPs are made available:
- I suggest to represent that data of Suppl. fig. S2. in a line plot with two lines, one for the number of transcriptomes, and the other for the cumulative number of transcriptomes. The current representation is confusing (it took me a bit of time to understand what the numbers in the legend referred to). I have added an example plot as attachment to this review report.

Textual comments:
page 4, line 74: high-throughput, please us throughput
page 6, line 116: "Fish-T1K Steering Committee consists" —> "the Fish-T1K Steering Committee consists"
page 7, line 124: "In the past two years, Fish-T1K Team has established" —> "In the past two years, the Fish-T1K Team has established"
page 7, line 147: "This would be helpful in establishing" —> "This will be helpful in establishing"
page 11, line 220: "Fish-T1K will greatly prompt the study" —> "Fish-T1K will greatly enhance the study"

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An article whose findings are important to those with closely related research interests

Quality of written English

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Needs some language corrections before being published.

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Authors' response to reviews: (

The example graph for SF2 can be seen here: (



    © 2016 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0 - source).


    Ying, S., Yu, H., Xiaofeng, L., C., B. C., Zhuocheng, Z., Zhixiang, Y., A., C. K., Yong, Z., Xiaomeng, Z., Min, W., Alex, W., Chao, F., Xinhui, Z., Hai, H., V., L. J., Kirk, K., Yong, Z., Guillermo, O., Byrappa, V., Qiong, S. 2016. Fish-T1K (Transcriptomes of 1,000 Fishes) Project: large-scale transcriptome data for fish evolution studies. GigaScience.