Content of review 1, reviewed on February 12, 2019

As a researcher working on the same field, I am impressed by the technique introduced in the paper, because it sheds a new light on the earlier results of several authors and obviously can be successfully used in practice. From this point of view, the subject of the paper fits well to the scope of the journal. Note I: The results listed in the paper in the form of formulas, figures, tables, algorithms, and analysis are seeming true and correctly. Note II: The paper is well written and it is written in a truly sporty manner Note III: English is generally good, I think it needs to be polished further and some typos need to be revised. Note IV: Further punctuation marks should be checking through the paper, especially after the equations and at the end of the statements. Note V: Some remark, minor comments, and questions: 1.Rewrite and retyping the abstract and retyping. 2.For Step 3 after Eq. (10) does the formulation of the fitness function is unique? Please justify you answer. 3.More description about HRPS modes should be added. 4.More description about optimization techniques should be added 5.List the advantages of the presented algorithm clearly. 6.Define the used symbols clearly throughout the paper. 7.The authors should explain how each of the intervals parameters influences the performance of proposed approach clearly. 8.Please numerate all of the equations appear in the paper. 9.The documentation of the paper is poor as seen from the references. Thus, the authors should mention to this work more carefully and should update some of the listed references in their paper in order to add a powerful for the paper. To help the authors in this direction I suggest the following reference: * Numerical solution of systems of second-order boundary value problems using continuous genetic algorithm, Information Sciences 279 (2014) 396-415. * Numerical solutions of fuzzy differential equations using reproducing kernel Hilbert space method, Soft Computing 20 (2016) 3283-3302. * Application of reproducing kernel algorithm for solving second-order, two-point fuzzy boundary value problems, Soft Computing 21 (2017) 7191-7206. * Adaptation of reproducing kernel algorithm for solving fuzzy Fredholm-Volterra integrodifferential equations, Neural Computing & Applications 28 (2017) 1591-1610. Note VI: Conclusion: This paper is very nice, strong, and has mathematical real-world applications; I see many positive aspects in this work and would like to see it published. In fact, this paper will be of value and interest to as a significant portion of potential readers of the journal. As a result, I suggest publication of the paper after the above remarks are taking into account, punctuation marks are checking, and writing, typing, and language of the manuscript are also improved. In other word, it can be accepted for publication after "minor revision".


    © 2019 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Pouria, A., Salvatore, C. 2019. The numerical solution of fractional differential equations using the Volterra integral equation method based on thin plate splines. Engineering with Computers.