Content of review 1, reviewed on May 01, 2019

Comments on abstract, title, references

Abstract refer to objects for e-government that use in Libraries and enrich for all documents included inside it, and explain how many to easy to access to resources by using some indexing technices Title match within Matches the content contained in the chapter. References about 35 reference ( Book and website reference , some references old than about 8-13 years) ,Referenced correctly referring, keywords studies were included appropriate.

Comments on introduction/background

The Introduction have a many words repeated from an abstract, The citation from four sources and Introduction included general idea of the content of the contained in chapter. The research question is justified given what is already known about the topic.

Comments on methodology

  • Subject Selection: Select of a topic is clear and indicate the content of the article.
  • The variables defined and measured appropriately: The variables are defined and defined clearly and according to fixed measures.
  • The study methods valid and reliable: The methodology of the article is correct ( Literature Review, Accessibility of Government Documents, Creating an informed Citizen, Government and Public Libraries, K-12 Education and Websites for Liberians and Educator) , The examples are described in a sequential and easy to understand and reference to the hot and sophisticated methods in the storage and indexing and retrieval of documents, and the degree of reliability is very good.
  • Details of Study: That what has been put forward in this article as far enough at the present time, It is possible to replicate the study with advanced concepts.

Comments on data and results

  • The data presented:
  • The Categories grouped appropriately.
  • Need make a statistical charts for the resources used for the websites of the e-libraries on the Websites for teachers and children web's and compare them by a diagram or Flowchart to be a statistically significant result.
  • That clear a result practically meaningful .

Comments on discussion and conclusions

  • Discussion:
  • That will be better if a stud included a Tables and statistical charts to be easy to compare with the results and conclusions of the study.
  • Proposing a future work format for advanced studies on the topic of the study.
  • Conclusions:
  • The conclusions answer the aims of the study.
  • The conclusions supported by references and results.
  • The limitations of the study are they opportunities to inform future.


    © 2019 the Reviewer.


    L., V. D. 2010. E-Government, Government Documents, and School Libraries. EDUCATIONAL MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY YEARBOOK: VOL 34.