Content of review 1, reviewed on July 01, 2020

Summary: This paper proposed a novel approach for recommending elective courses. They used grade is an important parameter for a student while deciding on an elective course and extend the concept of collaborative filtering for this recommendation system. The topic is important recently in the recommendation system. • The paper includes the authors own commentary on the significance of the approach and the proposed solutions. • In my view, the proposed method seems technically good, but it was unsuccessful to present it in the paper. • I feel some edits wanting as follows:

Reviews: Abstract, title and References: • The paper abstract is clear and well summarized. • Refer some more recent reference papers (2009/2010) in the relevant field and cite them accordingly in the text. There is a need to throw light on the recent researches happening in this field. Introduction/background: • The introduction is clear and it seems that the authors have enough knowledge in the required background. And also authors clearly mentioned the research question.

Methods: • In section 3 authors try to explain the research method. Methodology is to be written clearly. In there most of the content is a theory part of the recommendation and authors explained user-based and item-based collaborative filtering with its general equations. Please explain this methodology content with your new approach. That is the new point for readers. • And the authors explain more related works in this section 3 under methods. That is not important to explain this kind of related works here. You can explain them in the related work section and only use related work which is more important and more related to your proposed methodology in this methods section.

Results: • In the evaluation, the authors show the results clearly. Here courses are taken as the items and students are taken as a user’s. It is better to mention it and use those words in the explanation.

Discussion and Conclusions: • Authors give a very minimal conclusion and should be significantly expanded. Please make strength and small conclusion by giving the key messages of your research.


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