Content of review 1, reviewed on November 18, 2019

Here are my comments :

I would like to thank the editor for the opportunity to review this manuscript


I have the following manuscript:

Major comments:

-There is discrepancy in the total number of included patients (n=24) and table 2 (where n=22), please carefully review and edit as appropriate.

-This manuscript although has valuable results but it needs careful attention to details as :

Minor comments:

-Please review authors affiliations as I believe that not all authors from Egypt

-Line 32: please mention the previously reported dose range.

-Line 62-64: please remove this full reference and put it in the text.

  • Line 95: please define what you mean by pharmacokinetics in between 2 brackets.

  • Line 109: 3+3 schema ; please explain this between 2 brackets.

-Line 115: please specify if HCQ was given in equivalent doses to HQ

-Line 164: please add reference to CTCAE.

  • Please try to add figure explaining your trial design and different drug doses.

-Line 178: please enumerate ocular toxicity that might happen from your protocol.

  • Line 184: please explain or delete this sentence “are both censored at 12 months after treatment.

  • Line 187: No logistic or cox regression was reported, so please this line in statistical analysis section.

  • Line 187: please add reference to your sentence “No power analysis was needed”

  • Please delete “)” in line 219

  • Please exit missing data eg “X” in line 229, range xx to xx in line 207, by… in line 199.

  • Line 210: adenocarcinoma and sq cell ca of lung origin? Please edit.

  • Line 257: please add more details.

  • Paragraph (line 261-268) need to be transferred to the first section in the result and avoid repeated sentences.

  • Line 286: please add ” ’ ” after patients to be rom patients’ plasma.

-Please spell out abbreviations at their first time eg : ORR, PFS, OS in line 22, ECOG in line 111, G6PD in line 123, AST, ALT, RECIST in lines 125-127, CA in line 245, PBS in line 291

  • Line: 531: please define “disease control rate “ as a footnote and try to properly fill the table for that with number of patients

  • Line 543 and 545: please add patients at risk to the Kaplan Meier curves


    © 2019 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).