Content of review 1, reviewed on May 20, 2020

Comments on abstract, title, references

In the first instance, the title of this recorded case is distinctive and attracts readers interested in neurosurgical disorders in a range of fields, as this case report is about a rare pathological condition that has been recorded. It is a very well structured presentation in relation to the title concept, and it supports the purpose in a good way.

Comments on introduction/background

The research question on this case report is straightforward, illustrated and explained as to what needs to be contemplated before reading the full text. Personally, I liked the efficient way by beginning the article simply by explaining the latest recommended procedure opinion for hemifacial spasm (HFS) drug resistance.

Comments on methodology/case presentation

Since this is a case report, there is not much to comment about in the methodology section. The procedure used to remove excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) appears to have been at a high rate of effectiveness because it did not cause dangerous complications following surgery. The situation in this case report would be focused on the wide exposure of plastic surgeons to take into account the risk and to establish a means of keeping it as safe as possible, as the primary justification for HFS in the study was to undergo botulinum toxin injections over a very long period of time that triggered the condition.

Comments on discussion and conclusions

Results have been detailed coherently for the readers since the beginning of the pathological condition. Conclusion was simple and summarized the findings of the discussion in a clear and straightforward manner, with the support of the results. Limitations have been discussed during a single case study of severe excessive accumulation of CSF, but this is not a critical limitation because the purpose of the case analysis has been successfully accomplished. This study uses high quality and reliable sources for both the two figures presented and the one table that provides the relevant information explicitly without extensive statistical research skills. In further reports, as illustrated in Figure 2, I would recommend that future studies will take into account the introduction of a healthy computed tomography (CT) scan in introduction to a pathological one, thus clarifying the distinction between non-specialized readers and other surgical and non-surgical specialities, when it comes to additional details, it is not necessary to provide a healthy CT scan from the same patient, as this is the case. It can be proven by a healthy person with an clarification under the figure. The overall report is very well outlined and aims at delivering a very significant case study. I would suggest that further reports on this case should further verify the results using more pictures to justify the information for non-neurosurgical specialists, as this report may also concern plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons.


    © 2020 the Reviewer.


    Maidinamu, Y., Yoshinori, H., Shogo, W., Kentaro, H., Shiro, I., Yasuo, I. 2020. Welling-up of cerebrospinal fluid is a sign of remote supratentorial hemorrhage during microvascular decompression: a case report. Egyptian Journal of Neurosurgery.