Content of review 1, reviewed on May 22, 2022

The article is a review of the previous one with greater clarification of some concepts such as those focused on the effects of therapy on small intraperitoneal vessels, compared to the previous one it is more smooth and in any case, in my opinion, still deserves to be read. Obviously it is still a preliminary study and therefore it needs to be proposed to wider audiences of researchers in order to be approved as a new therapeutic perspective. It is not clear to me why the word PIPAC, which in fact represents the cornerstone of therapeutic treatment, disappears from reading. leaner than the previous one but certainly to be approved


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    Agata, D., Tanja, K., Agata, M., Piotr, K., Jakub, N., Zdzislaw, K., Przemyslaw, P., Bartlomiej, L., Shiri, L., Hien, L., Wojciech, K., Veria, K. 2022. In-vivo thermodynamic exploration of gas-based intraperitoneal hyperthermia. Frontiers in Oncology.