Content of review 1, reviewed on April 09, 2021

About the title: 1. The title is okay. About the Abstract: 2. This section hasn't any background. (weakness point) 3. In keywords, the abbreviation should not be used, moreover, instead of using the word '' Clay '', the word ''Nano Clay '' should be used.

About the References: 4. The number of References is very low, which shows that little research has been done on the subject, References should be extended overall.

Comments on introduction/background 5. In this section, at the beginning of the first column of the second page, the table of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene(ABS) properties (Table 1) should not be presented. This table belongs to the Materials and Methods section. 6. Also, in this section, the using incomplete capital words at the end of many lines and the using dashes is seen that confuses and misleads the readers. 7.This introduction is not specified the number and components of the continuation of the article. (weakness point) Comments on methodology 8. ''Characteristics of the ABS used in the present study ''(Table 1) should be given here, however, each step has been stated well and in order, and the selection process has been stated. Comments on data and results 9.The results have been presented separately and accurately, and in detail, along with the diagrams of the range of alterations of obtained variables from the methods of measurement.

Comments on discussion and conclusions About the discussion: 10. The discussion has not been done well and in detail, and it is poor should be expanded more. so, the number of references should be extended. (weakness point)

About the conclusions: 11. The significance of this subject has not been stated. (weakness point) 12. There is no mention of the investigations that can be done around this subject in the future. (weakness point)


    © 2021 the Reviewer.


    Bashar, A., Taher, A., Ali, D., Mamaghani, S. S., Eungkee, L. R. 2015. Structural properties of batch foamed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene/nanoclay nanocomposites. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering.