Content of review 1, reviewed on May 24, 2021

From the abstract written by the author(s), I think background section should be added to explained from what situation or problem which then arised the need of this study. About the aim of the study I think it was already clearly outlined. But for the title I have several suggestions. First is not to use question sentence, and second is, because it was also mentioned that this study not only to asses parents’ level of knowledge but also wanted to analyze its relation with influenced factors, so I recommend to edit the title of this article : Parent’s knowledge and factors associated about oral health and care of preschool children in the central region of Saudi Arabia. And for the key words I suggest author(s) to use : parents knowledge, preschool children, oral health and care. About the references used in this study was already relevant and recent. But my suggestion for reference number 19, perhaps need correction because of not mention the name of the writer(s) and for reference number 30, the space used is also need correction. And my special question about reference number 17, what is the difference to this study, or is this study was a replication study. Research question was already outlined clearly in introduction section. But I suggest to add brief and clear explanation about sociodemographic variables, parents’ self-perception toward their own dental health, as well as importance of teeth and frequency of dental visits. Like the reason why this study chose those three factors to be related with parent’s knowledge regarding oral health and care of preschool children. For material and methods section, I still need more information about how to select sample location from Facebook and Twitter since this article's title specifically mention central region of Saudi Arabia and the study was using random sampling. Also for the three variables measured, I also did not find that they were already defined clearly. For the explanation between text and tables, it is good that no repetitive founded. For discussion section, since this study was purely observe the parents’ knowledge and factors associated but with no data of caries from the samples of preschool children from this study or previous study which I think it could be more interesting to discuss related to what this study findings, so perhaps author(s) can add it. But I also found in the discussion which mainly about first dental visit, it was great that author(s) implied take home message clearly about how first dental visit is very important dental care milestone for children and how other medical professional than dentist can help preventing ECC through early parents dental health education. And last, maybe I can suggest more supported references added to more fruitful discussion. and I also suggest that author(s) need to consider to add paragraph about the opportunity/chance of what next study concern related to this study findings.


    © 2021 the Reviewer.


    Al-Haj, A. S. N., H., A. S. 2020. What do Parents Know About Oral Health and Care for Preschool Children in the Central Region of Saudi Arabia?. Pesquisa Brasileira Em Odontopediatria E Clínica Integrada.