Content of review 1, reviewed on January 20, 2024

In this study, the authors found TSCMs specific for HBV epitopes and reported that HBV-specific TSCMs are detectable in all patients with chronic hepatitis. They then investigated whether these TSCMs can proliferate and differentiate into cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The authors have previously established a model system for chronic HBV infection and HBV-induced necrotizing inflammatory liver injury. The authors administered TSCM to mice with chronic HBV infection and examined whether TSCM induces a necro-inflammatory response in these mice. Introduction of TSCMs into the HBV mouse models precipitated a severe necro-inflammatory response, resulting in the elimination of human hepatocytes. The authors observed severe hepatocellular damage without the sigh of a graft-versus-host response, developed a chronic hepatitis model using this method, and discussed the potential use of activated TSCM as a curative therapy for chronic HBV infection. The manuscript would be valuable for publication after minor revision.

All figures would not be suitable for printed pages of the article. Figure 1is a very large figure and should be made smaller to fit on one page. Also, the in the figure is very small. The font size should be made to match the size of the final figure.

Figure 2 should be modified according to the comments on figure 1.


    © 2024 the Reviewer.


    Hiromi, A., Takakazu, K., Tatsuo, I., Yuji, I., Chise, T., Makoto, H., Kazuaki, C. 2024. Hepatitis B virus-specific human stem cell memory T cells differentiate into cytotoxic T cells and eradicate HBV-infected hepatocytes in mice. FEBS Letters.