Content of review 1, reviewed on May 31, 2021

The central theme of the manuscript: The study was a case-control study about "Effectiveness and safety of ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir in treatment of chronic hepatitis C Egyptian hemodialysis patients". the main result showed high efficacy of the drug in hemodialysis setting with 95% SVR achieved. There are several points of criticism: the abstract is well written and representative of the main manuscript with a clear aim and conclusion

The introduction justified the research question with good knowledge about the main topic.

the methodology - authors did not calculate the sample size - Selection of a case-control design in evaluating the efficacy of the drug affects both the internal and external validity of the study. of course, this will lead to more bias in selection, reporting, etc.

Both tables and graphs well present the results. appropriate units are used the discussion is presented from different angles with obvious conclusions.

overall: the study design was not appropriate to answer the aim. The topic is not new and adds no new information. the authors did not state the limitations of their study


    © 2021 the Reviewer.


    Teama, N. M., Abdel-Mohsen, W. A., Ahmed, O. A., Sayed, S. M. E., ElGhandour, A. M. 2021. Effectiveness and safety of ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir in treatment of chronic hepatitis C Egyptian hemodialysis patients, case-control study. Egyptian Liver Journal, 11(1).