Content of review 1, reviewed on December 16, 2023

Some comments:
1. The novelty and necessity of the paper should be more clearly highlighted in the abstract & introduction section.
2. The fundamental physics behind Influence of deformation-induced misalignment on the
performance of hydrodynamic bearings should be more discussed in the result & discussion section. Most of the discussion of results is observational.
3. Authors should highlight the some applications where this numerical model is applicable.
4. What are the boundary conditions used in the present work for Reynolds equation & Energy equation?
5. Whether this analysis is adiabatic or full THD? if this analysis is adiabatic, so write some applications, where this model is suitable. Why authors not solved full THD equation with conduction & convection boundary conditions to achieve more realistic condition.
6. Why authors validated their results with old published papers?
7. The Conclusions should be better streamline & focused.


    © 2023 the Reviewer.

Content of review 2, reviewed on March 19, 2024

No Comments


    © 2024 the Reviewer.

Content of review 3, reviewed on May 12, 2024

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    © 2024 the Reviewer.


    Xiaodong, S., Yuanyuan, L., Bettina, C., Steffen, M. 2024. Influence of deformation-induced misalignment on the performance of hydrodynamic bearings: a comparison between rigid and flexible journal results. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology.