Content of review 1, reviewed on November 17, 2021

Ulrich et al. analyzed the genomic sequence of Stenotrophomonas strain 169 and compared with plant growth promoting species of Stenotrophomonas. Findings of this study revealed that strain 169 possess PGP traits as well as their genes in bacterial genome that suggest its application for agriculture purpose. However, Stenotrophomonas is a well known pathogenic organism, hence pathogenecity test is mandatory to report this bacterium for the purpose of agriculture uses. This study has significance importance for sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture and all interesting findings have potential to contribute in agriculture. I think this is meritorious of publication after carefully consideration of given comments.

Author should perform pathogenecity test of the bacterium. Also use latest references in Introduction and Discussion part.


    © 2021 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Kristina, U., Michael, K., Regina, B., Volker, S., Andreas, U. 2021. Genomic Analysis of the Endophytic Stenotrophomonas Strain 169 Reveals Features Related to Plant-Growth Promotion and Stress Tolerance. Frontiers in Microbiology.