Content of review 1, reviewed on July 20, 2017

MS.75916 Original Manuscript Renal cell carcinoma: links and risks


  1. General comments.  In most part of the manuscript, authors did not tell readers where the studies conducted. So it is difficult for readers to judge what part of contents may be applied for Europeans, Africans, Asians or all persons on the earth. Please provide information about races or countries in each comment on the risk of renal cell carcinoma.

For example,

Page 4 line 1-2. Please add reference and the country where National Cancer Institute is located.

Gender & age Please add the country or area name and reference of sentence in line 1-2. Is this country the United States where renal cell carcinoma is twice as common in males than females after adjusting for race?

Page 6 lines 1-2.
Please add references after RCC and a significant risk factor.

Comments on contents 

For obesity Please mention Asian are more likely to develop diabetes mellitus in overweight (BMI>25.0) than Europeans and Africans. Therefore, overweight may increase the risk of RCC in Asian. In the research paper by Washio et al (your reference 66), obesity means BMI of 25.0 or greater, which is WHO criteria overweight.

Please add all established risk factors of table

You had better provide more tables with major risk or preventive factors, odds ratio / relative risk locations, study year, and (authors published year).

Sincerely yours

Masakazu Washio


    © 2017 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).