Content of review 1, reviewed on April 22, 2020

1.Comments on abstract, title and references

The authors provided the green synthesis and characterisation of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles using Seaweed (Sargassum muticum) aqueous extract. Nowadays this work has become very useful than regular chemical methods. This paper has given a good approach towards the title but with repetition of same meaning words. Abstract was clear, simple by using latest characterisation techniques. If you provide SAED information it strengthens the paper. If you provide some values of information of characterisation technique values it will be attractive to the reader and it gives more focus It will be very worthy if you would have given at least one application of the research utility This paper provided enough source but if you increase this number also no problem

2.Comments on Introduction It was good at number of applications with suitable references. The last para of introduction is generalised it should be effective if you quote some references

3.Comments on Results and Discussion The results were discussed elaborately and explained well. In figure 1 if you point what is A and B at the below of the figure it gives immediate understanding otherwise the schematic representation is impressive It becomes looking good if you represent small letters instead of using capital letters for representation for example fig (a) rather than A The X-RD pattern was good but if you provide seaweed X -RD also it assists the good comparison

4.Comments on Methods The study and experimental methodologies followed in this paper are valid, reliable and acceptable The conditions maintained during the experiment if they provide the reasons with good explanation it will be more appreciable that is temperature and composition etc In Characterisation details it was provided the range of FT - IR is 4000-400cm-1 but in Figure2 it was given x- axis scale is from 4000 -0cm-1

5.Comments on Conclusion The conclusion was well agreement with abstract and introduction the research becomes more valid by providing good application

6.Overall comments The aim and objectives of this paper was fulfilled with the good application. Readers will be attracted by using some characterisation techniques like SAED The simple, valid reliable results and discussions and overall the objectives are maintained through out the paper


    © 2020 the Reviewer.


    Mahnaz, M., Farideh, N., Mansor, B. A., Rosfarizan, M. 2013. Green Biosynthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Iron Oxide (Fe3O4) Nanoparticles Using Seaweed (Sargassum muticum) Aqueous Extract. Molecules.