Content of review 1, reviewed on July 24, 2023

This is my second time reviewing the manuscript by Oldfather and colleagues, following revision and resubmission to this journal.

While myself and other reviewers had many comments, I commend the authors on a terrific revision. It’s a delightful paper and is now much clearer than before. My only comments, below, are suggestions on increasing the clarity and print-ability of figures.

Line Edits:

Figure 1. Not sure if the temperature trajectory plot needs to be included in the main text. It would be just fine in the supplement.

Figure 2. The y-axis label on plot A overlaps the plot label (“A”). I would move the plot labels (A & B) inside the plot and make them slightly larger so easier to see.

Figure 3. Relative sizing of text is going to make this plot very hard to read when printed, even if full page (as it is now). Recommend re-building it with everything larger. Also, note that by keeping the trend lines the same color as dots, it makes them very hard to separate, particularly when the trend line is dashed. Since you have the space on the y-axis of plot B, I would consider spelling out “Water use efficiency” rather than using the acronym.

Figure 4. Similar recommendation on relative sizing and clarity, as for Figure 3.

Supplemental Figure 1. Please add a label to the legend (e.g., “snow melt-out day of year”)


    © 2023 the Reviewer.


    F., O. M., C., E. S., Elisa, V. C., J., H. J., D., H. J., T., W. C., C., H. H., J., S. M., N., S. K., C., E. N. 2024. Divergent community trajectories with climate change across a fine-scale gradient in snow depth. Journal of Ecology.