Content of review 1, reviewed on June 29, 2017

The experiments are nicely designed, the results are overall very convincing and well described. My only issue with the manuscript relates to Figure 2. 1. The levels of IL-10 produced are quite low, and it would be important to state what the limit of detection for the ELISA was. If it was in the range of 5 pg/ml, then measurements of mRNA by qRT-PCR would be more informative. 2. The FACS data in Fig. 2C show an increased fraction of IFNg+ DC in absence of IL-10. IFNg production from myeloid cells has been controversial. Therefore, the DC identity of the IFNg+ cells needs to be checked; this requires showing the gating strategy, and in addition should be corroborated by excluding non-DC cell types typically producing IFNg (NK, NKT and T cells) by co-staining with appropriate lineage-specific antibodies. In the legend to Fig. 2, the source of the cells (spleen?) and the gating strategy for the CD11c+ DC is not described.


    © 2017 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Katharina, L., Kristina, U., Simone, A., Matthias, H., Kai, M., M., W. A., Jan, B., Wiebke, H. 2017. Dc-Derived IL-10 Modulates Pro-inflammatory cytokine Production and Promotes induction of CD4(+) IL-10(+) regulatory T cells during Plasmodium yoelii infection. Frontiers in Immunology, 8.