Content of review 1, reviewed on July 07, 2018

Excellent endeavor by TRAYNOR et al.s research "Multiyear survey targeting disease incidence in US honey bees", a very well developed and structured research whose objectives are critical to the healthy Honey Bee industry and to the socio-economic impacts that the outcomes lead to. Actually, this research complements the statistical analysis of losses of Honey Bee colonies and the causes, by providing a micro-level analysis to the main possible harms leading to the death of Honey Bee colonies. The researchers are commended indeed for this effort and their continuous diagnosis and measurement of harmful causes. Though the results provide a disease baseline to help identify drivers of poor bee health, the same results create a common platform for other nations to look into and conduct similar researches for the sake of creating control mechanisms that may prevent migration of viruses of transmission of viruses by introducing different Bee classes between countries. Future research is worth to look into cross boarder Honey Bee colonies movements and the possibility of causing infections, as well as the extent of cross-boarder control in the illegal imports of either Queen Bees or full colonies! and surely the expected consequences!


    © 2018 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    S., T. K., Karen, R., Eva, F., Robyn, R., Jeffery, P., Grace, K., Shayne, M., Jay, E., Dawn, L., Dennis, v. 2016. Multiyear survey targeting disease incidence in US honey bees. Apidologie.