Content of review 1, reviewed on July 03, 2021


The article ‘Is a New Cold War Inevitable? Chinese Perspectives on US–China Strategic Competition’ is a new contribution in the International Relations field. The author analyses the rising strategic competition between the United States and China, based on a set of works from Chinese authors and analysts.

According to the author, the major part of Chinese scholars consider the strategic competition between the United States and China as inevitable while not ruling out the possibility of a new Cold War. However, amid the pessimists there also Chinese scholars that see the current rising competition between the two countries as a relation grounded in mutual perceptions rather than in the narratives of Realism School and Cold War mentality.

Nevertheless, despite the disagreements and differences, there is a common point that most of Chinese scholars agree with: China and the US must manage their practical measures and conceptual innovation through a shared leadership while learning how to address global challenges instead of following the always tit-for-tat and the zero-sum game strategy. If countries learn to respect each-other’s interests while recognizing the potential and benefits of their respective economic and security power, this can affect positively not only the Asia-Pacific region but also the international order structures as well.

In overall, the research offers a coherent and well-structured set of arguments while the author shows his impartiality throughout his analysis. In providing with a good theoretical and well-referenced research the author answers to his main question whether a new Cold War is inevitable if viewed from different Chinese perspectives or not.


There are some minor flaws present in the article which nevertheless do not reduce its value for acceptance. The relevance of the research consists in bringing a fresh discussion on China-US relations. If compared to what is commonly accepted from the Chinese perspective that China’s rise has been peaceful and it will continue to be so, the author invites scholars and analysts to become familiar with alternate perspectives; If in the Western world different theories see different things while analyzing the same phenomena, the same happens also in the Chinese world. Consequently, a similar research can generate a positive impact in the International Relations field while serving positively to future research in the same topic.


Major points :

Abstract session – The main peer reviewer’s suggestion consists in describing the methods the author has used for conducting his research.

Ibid, page.1, paragraph 1. - last sentence - The peer reviewer suggests also highlighting the main findings instead of using a general description.

Minor points : None




    © 2021 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Minghao, Z. 2019. Is a New Cold War Inevitable? Chinese Perspectives on US-China Strategic Competition. Chinese Journal of International Politics, 12(3).