Content of review 1, reviewed on December 11, 2023

The research article by Man et al, titled, “Dulaglutide treatment reverses depression-like behavior and hippocampal metabolomic homeostasis in mice exposed to chronic mild stress” is providing some important metabolic information of chronic stress induced depression and a therapeutic effect of Dulaglutide. I have a following suggestions for the manuscript:

  1. In the introduction section please include a World Heath Organization reference and please check that the given reference Zhou et al. 2021 is not in the reference section.
  2. In the Introduction section, “as a result, it is broadly used to study the role of stress in the etiology of depression”. Please also cite article by Willner, who developed this animal model.
  3. In the Introduction section also,” increase in apoptosis in the hippocampus of animals in models of depression” should be re-write, such as “increase in apoptosis in the hippocampus of animal models of depression”.
  4. In the Introduction section, “Based on the results of the above survey,” should be re-write, such as, “Based on the review of literature”.
  5. In most of the depression model, a big fraction of animals shows resilience towards stress, please put some light in the Material and Method section also for those animals, if observed?
  6. According to experimental design OFT and FST were performed twice on each group, please also mention if there any marked difference between the two time points.
  7. For the level of significance, please replace capital ‘P’ to ‘p’.
  8. Which metabolites were representing PC1 and PC2 of PLS-DA analysis.


    © 2023 the Reviewer.


    Man, J., Shipan, Z., Boya, H., Litao, L., Hao, L., Aihua, N., Lina, H., Peng, L., Jing, L., Haishui, S., Peiyuan, L. 2024. Dulaglutide treatment reverses depression-like behavior and hippocampal metabolomic homeostasis in mice exposed to chronic mild stress. Brain and Behavior.