Content of review 1, reviewed on March 13, 2016

Review on GS commentary: Recommendations for open data science Gymrek and Farjoun present a commentary on recommendations for open data science.

This is a very important topic and GigaScience commentary is a great forum for presenting such information, and potentially providing a great venue for the discussion in the community. That said, a number of suggestions are presented to improve the document:

Major suggestions:

1. Page 1, lines 26-38: In a first background, setting up of the problem is not well done. A number of parameters are missing, including a definition of what are the limits/context for data science as a field includes. How is it different from bioinformatics, and how would it be different from a recommendations for open bioinformatics?

2. Background should have differentiated the various "Open", There is Open Access, Open Source, Open Data, and Open Teaching. How this fits with "Open Data Science", should have been more clear. Maybe defining what Data Science represents would have been justified here. Maybe a future would have helped to limit the space this commentary was wanting to address?

3. The recommendations need to stated as declarative statements (some are, not all). And need to be strong and different from each other. Right now you have these five recommendations:

Provide source code for tools in public repositories

Publish code for pipelines and workflows

Train scientists in data science best practices

Editors must enforce computational reproducibility

High quality review of computational methods

I would number the recommendations and recast these as (with comments/justification below each recommendation):

1. Provide or cite source code for tools in a public repositories
Tools used may be available from a previous publication.

2. Provide or cite pipelines and workflows in a public repositories
Workflows also need to be available form a public repository.

3. Train scientists in data science
This important recommendation needs to be more generic, and include more than "best

4. Journal editors and reviewers must demonstrate computational reproducibility
Important to target "journal editors and reviewers" and important for them to
demonstrate reproducibility, however they see fit.

5. Enable and enforce review of computational methods
This last one needed to be more declarative, and maybe needs to be either
be merged with #4, and made more different. As stated, not sure represents
a 5th recommendation.


4. Page 2 line 50-60: Isn't this what the the software carpentry and the data carpentry are doing? Last paragraph of that section doesn't make any points? Maybe that should be reworked. This also relates to a point I mentioned above about the scope and target of "data science"

5. Page 3 Lines 35-45: Not sure if a generic checklist would work, but if you do, then you would need to add these as well: "Usable Documentation "and" Training material".

Minor suggestions:

6. Page 1, lines 29-30 we read: "The research community has recently recognized …"

I don't think this is recent? GenBank has been around for more than 3 decades, and those of us worked on that back at the beginning thought sharing open data was important. Maybe the formalization is newer? This should be made more clear. 7. Page 1, Line 33: Not sure it is appropriate to make "Quality" part of policy? I guess this should be assumed, and not be part of these recommendations. 8. Page 3 Lines 25-30: Saying "most journals" is pretty generic, and not specific, maybe would be good to highlight journals that have good practices (this one? PLOS journals?)

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Content of review 2, reviewed on April 18, 2016

Reviewer's comments on this second round of review can be seen in the following file:

Level of interest

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An article of importance in its field

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Authors' response to review: (


    © 2016 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0 - source).

Content of review 3, reviewed on May 01, 2016

Reviewer's report:

Authors have addressed ll of my previous concerns.

Level of interest Please indicate how interesting you found the manuscript:

An article of importance in its field

Quality of written English

Please indicate the quality of language in the manuscript: Acceptable.


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    © 2016 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0 - source).


    Melissa, G., Yossi, F. 2016. Recommendations for open data science. GigaScience.