Content of review 1, reviewed on May 09, 2016

This paper has already had one round of review and the previous reviewers comments have been sent back to the authors.

This review of the paper therefore focusses on the question of whether the authors have responded adequately to the issues raised in the original review.

Most of the responses of the authors to the original review are adequate, however, one significant problem remains, specifically regarding the main criticism of the paper from Reviewer #1: "I think the paper as a whole really needs some more empirical evidence to back up some of the claims and recommendations, and for the recommendations to be more specific".

The authors have responded by saying "Some of our recommendations are not backed up by data because the source for many of the suggestions we are providing is our own experience". Indeed the revised paper contains several occurrences of statements such as "In the authors' experience", "we observe" and so on. Many of the recommendations in the paper amount to little more than a recapitulation of common practice.

I agree with the criticism from Reviewer #1. Without the backing of data, the paper does not satisfy the requirements of a research publication.

Level of interest

Please indicate how interesting you found the manuscript:
An article of limited interest

Quality of written English

Please indicate the quality of language in the manuscript:
Needs some language corrections before being published

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I agree to the open peer review policy of the journal.

Authors' response to reviews: (



    © 2016 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0 - source).


    Ola, S., Erik, B., Johan, D., Martin, D., Aleksi, K., Luca, P., Francesco, V., Eija, K. 2016. Recommendations on e-infrastructures for next-generation sequencing. GigaScience.