Pre-publication Review of
Reviewed On February 14, 2014
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Content of review 1, reviewed on February 14, 2014

This manuscript describes the release and partial analysis of an important dataset of genome sequences from 3000 rice accessions. It is of great importance that this data set is released for the public good as it will have a significant impact on our ability to feed world and to better understand cereal biology and evolution. This paper should be published immediately.

I only have two minor corrections and a comment.

1) “Genomic DNA was prepared from bulk harvested leaves of a single young plant for each sampled accession by the modified CTAB method either at IRRI or at CAAS.”

Here I would change “the modified” to “a modified”.

2) “Genomic DNA samples were shipped to BGI-Shenzhen where the extracted DNA samples were built..."

Here I would delete “where the extracted DNA samples” and simply replace with “and” to read like this: “Genomic DNA samples were shipped to BGI-Shenzhen and were built..."

3) If the title of the paper is “The 3000 Rice Genome Project” I am fine. However if the title is “3000 Rice Genomes” I take issue. Genomes are assembled genomic DNA where the scaffolds are ordered and oriented. What this paper describes it the release of almost 2 Tb of short 87 base-pair paired-end reads. These are NOT genomes.

Level of interest: An article of importance in its field

Quality of written English: Acceptable

Statistical review: No, the manuscript does not need to be seen by a statistician.

Declaration of competing interests: I declare that I have no competing interests


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