Content of review 1, reviewed on June 23, 2020

Hello. Overall, I agree that the article is appropriate for the journal and the subject is one that needs addressing. I have only a few minor comments. ~Rachel Lazzeri

  1. Line 33: The statement “many calls to…” has only one source referenced, and this source was not listed in the reference section. What other papers/sources have made these same calls?
  2. Line 45-48: A bit vague. What topic has a large body of evidence? Also, any changes since these papers were published?
  3. Line 48-50: This would read better as two sentences.
  4. Instead of using parentheses to add additional information, put into sentences for better readability. Examples: line 62-64 and line 168-169
  5. Line 91: What is other than non-English? Source not listed in reference section.
  6. Line 116-120: This seems out of place. There is a whole section on textbooks.
  7. Table 1, row 10: Should this be “no discussion”?
  8. Lines 230 and 243: appear to be the same source


    © 2020 the Reviewer.


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