Content of review 1, reviewed on December 22, 2019

The paper provide factors associated with pasung in schizophrenia patients which the authors investigate for aggressive behavior, unemployment, informal employment, negative attitude of family toward patient. The overall strengths of the article showed that familial unemployment, attitude, and patient’s aggression are risk factors for pasung.

Abstract, title and references The aim is clear. It is clear what the study found and how they did it. The title is informative and relevant. The references is relevant, but some references related to schizophrenia is not recent. It referenced correctly and appropriate key studies are included

Introduction/background It is clear what is already known about this topic. The research question is clearly outlined and it justified given what is already known about the topic.

Methods The process of subject selection is clear. The variables are defined and measured appropriately. The study methods are valid and reliable and there is enough detail in order to replicate the study.

Results The data is presented in an appropriate way. Tables and figures are relevant and clearly presented with appropriate units, rounding, and number of decimals. The table titles, columns, and rows labelled correctly and clearly. They categories grouped appropriately. The text in the results is not repetitive. It states clear about what is a statistically significant result and what is a practically meaningful result.

Discussion and Conclusions The results are discussed from multiple angles and placed into context without being overinterpreted. The conclusions answer the aims of the study and supported by references or results. The limitations of the study give opportunities to inform future research.

Overall the study was design appropriate to answer the aim. It add something new on this topic and the article is consistent within itself

Major remarks: 1. Updated literature on the topic of schizophrenia with comparison of other success story in dealing with schizophrenia in community. 2. Comparison on traditional healer practice can be compare among Indonesian culture

Minor Essential Revisions: 1. The family negative attitude need to be explain. 2. Diagnosis of schizophrenia was not mention using what criteria, it may over diagnosis as we understand not so many people knew about schizophrenia itself in Indonesia. 3. The number of enumerator used need to be mention


    © 2019 the Reviewer.


    Hikmah, L. N., Renti, M., Tri, K., Siddharudha, S. 2018. Perceptions about pasung (physical restraint and confinement) of schizophrenia patients: a qualitative study among family members and other key stakeholders in Bogor Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia 2017. International Journal of Mental Health Systems.