Content of review 1, reviewed on April 06, 2021

Two Mediterranean traditional tomato varieties named 'Tomate Pimiento' ('TP') and 'Muchamiel Aperado' ('MA') showed increased in contents of several primary metabolites compared with the commercial cultivar 'Moneymaker' 'MM' in red ripe fruits in control and, especially, salt stress conditions. They are sucrose, total amino acids including the three major free amino acids found in tomato fruit, GABA, glutamate and glutamine. The secondary metabolites, the most interesting change induced by salinity was the increase in α-tocopherol found in red ripe fruits of both 'TP' and 'MA'. The present manuscript is potentially interesting. However, I have serious concerns regarding the description of the plant material used, the formulation of goals, the incomplete explanation of experimental procedures, together with a lack of novelty. MAIN CONCERNS: Title of the manuscript: it suggests that the conclusions applied to all traditional tomato varieties. However, the number of traditional tomato varieties under study were only two. It is needed to be indicated, otherwise it is misleading. Is there any explanation why using the term “traditional” and not landrace? The term “traditional” is linked to culture? Does it apply to all Mediterranean varieties? Originality: the salt stress effect on tomato fruit quality was already known: ( Moreover, a similar study although using other two tomato landraces were previously published by the authors: Front. Plant Sci., 30 November 2018 Title: Recovering Tomato Landraces to Simultaneously Improve Fruit Yield and Nutritional Quality Against Salt Stress. Plant material. The origin as well as the traditional germplasm identification is lacking. The organization that provides the seeds, RAERM, is not a germplasm bank, then, how is it possible for other researchers to track these plant materials? Please, clarify the origin, description and properties of the tomato landraces used in the study. Concerning these two tomato varieties, please, explain the criteria for the selection of the two tomato varieties with the distinct morphology of their fruit among the thousands of traditional tomatoes reported in Spain. “Tomate pimiento” is the same as “Tomato San Marzano”? How to distinguish among the several elongated tomato varieties? What about the existence of segregating populations? A common characteristic in landraces is the high heterogeneity in most plant and fruit traits. Goals: They are not clearly stated, in line 13: “Identification of tomato varieties able to exhibit higher accumulation of primary and secondary metabolites in their fruits is currently a main objective in tomato breeding” Then, In lines 76 77: “Elucidating the mechanisms used by plants to counter salt stress—including the modulation of primary and secondary metabolism—is important if salt stress is to be used as a tool to improve the sensory and nutritional properties of crops” are those objectives of this work? are these two tomato varieties planned to be used for breeding programs? Are they important because the distinct morphology of their fruit? Is the main objective of this work to improve the sensory and nutritional properties by moderate salt stress of these two tomato varieties? Why only one salt concentration (50 mM NaCl) was tested? Materials and Methods: - Fruit sampling: whole fruit, included seeds? Line 120-121: MG and RR fruits were chopped into pieces that were homogenized in liquid N2 and stored at −80°C until analyses were completed. A portion of frozen material was lyophilized for water content analysis. Is this correct? - Line 128: “TA was determined in triplicate from the juice by taking 5 g of the thawed fruit mesocarp homogenate and adding 45 ml of distilled H2O, followed by pH titration with 0.1 M NaOH” are they using mesocarp? - Please, specify the tissues used in each experiment. - Harvest index: “Harvest index was estimated by weighing the shoot of plants at the end of the study” why HI was estimated like that? Previous reports indicated that the HI is the ratio of reproductive yield to total plant biomass (fruit plus vegetative) (Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2010, 121, 1587–1599) - When does the salt treatment begin? Line 104-106: At the 6-leaf stage: how many days after sowing? - At the end of the salt treatment (after 80 days’ treatment), how is the phenotype of the plants in comparison with the control conditions? Are they all equal in high, leaf number, etc? - Sensory panels were not conducted, therefore, Line 366 describes data not shown; and Line 229: The title of the section is unappropriated because a taste panel scoring fruit sensory attributes where not reported.

OTHER CONCERNS: - Line 23: moderate salt stress (50 mM NaCl), how is the plant stress verified? How stressful is this condition? - The authors cite references as having data or conclusions that are not actually in the publications. That is, line 51: Rowland et al., 2020 did not report that “the identification of tomato varieties that accumulate higher levels of primary and secondary metabolites in their fruit is a priority objective”, instead, they reported about the impacts of leaf shape on the overall fruit quality in tomato; line 72: “while fruit yield was significantly reduced, fruit quality was improved (Massaretto et al., 2018)”, instead, the authors concluded that “two tomato landraces endemic of the Spanish Southeast area maintain fruit yield stability under salt stress”. - Line 160 δ=4.67–5.15 was discarded to eliminate the “e¬ects”: please correct it. - Title of FIGURE 1. Agronomic response of… : response to what? Please, indicate it. - FIGURE 1: please, indicate in the pictures which one is the corresponding tomato variety. - Figure 1B: why not to represent the data as in Fig. 2, 3 or 4? The data are discontinuous… - Supplementary Figure S1: plant age is not indicated. - Line 389: levels in under the control condition: please, rephrase it - Line 397: please, check format - Line 600 FIGURE 5: poorly described - Line 410 The glutamine profile of two ripening stages are shown, not developmental stages, Development and ripening are two distinct processes, see - Lines 412-413: “In sum, the roles of the GABA shunt and glutamine in the adaptation to salt stress and determination of tomato fruit quality warrant more detailed study” Not related to this study.


    © 2021 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    R., M. S. L., Isabel, E., L., M. I., Belen, M., Eduardo, P., M., E. J., C., B. M., B., F. F. 2020. Traditional Tomato Varieties Improve Fruit Quality Without Affecting Fruit Yield Under Moderate Salt Stress. Frontiers in Plant Science.