Content of review 1, reviewed on November 11, 2016

  • Knowledge gap: Gait evaluation tools are usually difficult when applied to children, for instance use of sensors or the lack of portability of heavy fix installations. On top of that, extracting meaningful signal from those records is also challenging.

  • Approach: In this paper, they propose to rely on Microsoft Kinect instrument for skeleton tracking. A complete methodology going from raw data to gait parameters extraction is provided. Two main points of their approach is: learning stride templates from training data and use them for automatic temporal segmentation and feature extraction, such as step time, swing time, stride length, step length,... They compare their approach with manual annotation of Kinect records and with another device GAITRite, which consists in a roll-up walkway.

  • Strengths:

  • A complete signal processing workflow is described.
  • The experimental design is well done with GAITRite and two Kinects records at the same time.
  • Their approach is fully automatic, given the training of stride templates.

  • Weaknesses:

  • Stride templates are age-specific and this study has been done on 25 children between 2 and 4 years old.
  • Only healthy children have been recorded.
  • Could not find the tool online.


    © 2016 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Saeid, M., Paola, P., Keegan, G., A., M. C., Gianfranco, D. 2015. Automated extraction and validation of children's gait parameters with the Kinect. BioMedical Engineering Online.