Content of review 1, reviewed on May 03, 2020

Aim , title and references : The aim is clear and well explained supported by recent evidence The title is good written and well understandable and include the aim of the study The references relevant and recent and correctly cited The keys study are correctly included

introduction : The introduction clear and concise and based on important and genuine gap in knowledge . the abbreviations explained well .specialized terms defined clearly. recent study used to justify the statement and referenced correctly . research question will add a new information and valuable addition and new hope to find a cure during this pandemic . overall its perfect but in first paragraph (annual symptomatic illness affected between 9 and 45 million people, resulting in between 4 and 21 million medical visits, 140,000–810,000 hospitalizations, and 23,000–61,000 deaths) and the second paragraph (Dr. Tom Frieden, proposed using vitamin D to combat the COVID-19 pandemic on 23 March 2020) statement referenced with link in the same page >> its recommended to referenced as number in reference section

methodology: The authors did not write the methodology and started by discussion , so i strongly recommended to write the methodology of manuscript and follow the research guideline.

result comments : First : there is no result section , so I recommend to write it separately. Second : generally the data presented in an appropriate way : 1 Tables and figures clearly presented and relevant to the research aim. 2 No repetition of details and clearly labelled column and rows 3 Statistical tests are used in an appropriate way like confidence interval, hazard ratio, relative risk, standard deviation , international units for tests 4 Level of significant not defined, i recommend to write the Level of significant according to research guideline

Discussion and conclusion : The authors appropriately cite recent literature with similar findings to theirs, and comparing with findings of others studies . new references are listed Correctly , NO limitation stated . I recommend to state some limitation and suggestive future research to do . Some studies over interpreted so I recommend to minimize the interpretation Conclusion is clear and the recommendations are well explained and we can build up on it

overall comments: I found the article to be interesting and insightful, and particularly well written. I think the authors have tried to put their findings into context and talk about an important topic during the COVID 19 pandemic However, I don’t think the authors have made a strong enough significance. A strengthened methodology and result and discussion section would be needed for acceptance the paper can be a bit shorter (5-8 pages). I have a few minor concerns/recommendations mentioned previously but I have mention that my criticism is still weak and need time and experience .


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