Content of review 1, reviewed on November 17, 2021

  1. In the Introduction section, the drawbacks of each conventional technique should be described clearly.
  2. You should emphasize the difference between other methods to clarify the position of this work further.
  3. The Wide ranges of applications need to be addressed in the Introduction
  4. Add the advantages of the proposed system in one quoted line for justifying the proposed approach in the Introduction section.


    © 2021 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Aida, S., Tim, H., Jenson, D., U., A. H., M., M. C., Shonit, P., Gert, A., Neil, M., Mark, E., Anthony, C., Mieke, V. H. 2021. The ReIMAGINE Multimodal Warehouse: Using Artificial Intelligence for Accurate Risk Stratification of Prostate Cancer. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.