Content of review 1, reviewed on June 25, 2020

As the work was related to my filed of study and chosen a published paper to review accordingly for the publons course: after going through the selected manuscript, I came across some interesting facts and new finding and found the suitable paper have its own unique identification in its own field of study.

However, I tried to put some points which i have came across and have added here as per my observation. Discussed below in point wise manner: 1. Aim of the study was discussed and highlighted appropriately 2. In abstract section: Inclusion of Rf value was missing 3 . Back ground were given nicely 4. Plant ID didn't mentioned 5. Discussion should be to the point and comparison with the previous study in concise manner 6. Over all work was excellent.


    © 2020 the Reviewer.


    Gengqiu, T., Xiaojing, L., Junni, L., Rong, L., Dong, W., Shengguo, J. 2018. Pharmacognostical studies of Premna microphylla. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia.