Content of review 1, reviewed on October 19, 2015

This manuscript reported the genome assembly and annotation of danshen. The results are generally acceptable and satisfactory. The minor comments of the study are as follows:

1. After the genome annotation, the authors concluded that danshen genome contains 27,986 protein-coding genes with an average CDS length of 1,078 bp. However, what are the unique properties of danshen as revealed by the proteome when compare with other plants?

2. Following the same line of thought, what are the genes in the danshen genome critical for the production of active ingredients of danshen as this plant is a very important Chinese medicinal herbs?

Additional analysis and discussion might be necessary to increase the importance of this work.

Level of interest
Please indicate how interesting you found the manuscript: An article of importance in its field

Quality of written English
Please indicate the quality of language in the manuscript: Acceptable

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The reviewed version of the manuscript can be seen here:

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    © 2015 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0 - source).


    Guanghui, Z., Yang, T., Jing, Z., Liping, S., Shengchao, Y., Wen, W., Jun, S., Yang, D., Wei, C. 2015. Hybrid de novo genome assembly of the Chinese herbal plant danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge). GigaScience.