Content of review 1, reviewed on April 02, 2022

EVALUATION Please list your revision requests for the authors and provide your detailed comments, including highlighting limitations and strengths of the study and evaluating the validity of the methods, results, and data interpretation. If you have additional comments based on Q2 and Q3 you can add them as well. The manuscript focused on gaze on cyberpoetry, conceived as an exercise in literary creativity that firstly involves use of technology and specific software for the digital creation of poetic texts and, last but not least, knowledge and mastery of poetic language and the literary conventions linked thereto. The topic is concurrent but the manuscript has several observations to be addressed as follows; i) In abstract. there is a lack of information on the method, participants, data collection and analysis procedure as well as the implication of the study. ii) In the method section, authors need to state the research design, data collection instruments, and analysis process clearly. IIi) There is also a lack of comparison between the findings of this study with that of previous studies in the result and discussion part.


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    Moises, S. S., Enric, F. G. 2022. From Text on Paper to Digital Poetry: Creativity and Digital Literary Reading Practices in Initial Teacher Education. Frontiers in Psychology.