Content of review 1, reviewed on May 27, 2021

Brief overview of the paper and its main findings - In the present work, the authors showed the application of a revised version of the COVID-19 Adapted Stress Scale (ACSS). This modified version of the adapted COVID-19 stress scale (ACSS) that also includes anxiety and readiness, and resilience for academic professionals in Mexico. anxiety and readiness, and resilience for academic professionals in Mexico. - In this study, most of the variables studied: gender, age, academic degree, household occupants, having an illness, education level, mode of education, hours worked, resilience, anxiety and readiness to teach, and fear of being an asymptomatic patient (FOBAP), showed a significant statistical correlation with each other (p<0.050) and with the 6 domains of the ACSS (danger, contamination, social, economic, traumatic stress, and compulsive checking) economic, xenophobia, traumatic stress and compulsive checking). The research results also showed that perceived stress and anxiety fell into the Absent to Mild category, and only the danger section of the ACSS fell into the Moderate category.

Major and minor points - Avoid to repeat the same keywords mentionned in the title and the abstract. - In the first sentence of the introduction, you have mentionned that the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grow worldwide, this effect should be accompagned by a reference (e.g. official data from WHO). - The Likert scale which you used contained how much point? (5/7?...). - You should mentionned in Which langage you have used in the questionnaire distributed in you survey. - How you can know that only your cibled participants has responds to the questionnaire distributed? - Personnaly i found that the list of the questionnaire used in your survey is too long (64 items). - In table2, you have mentionned that the percentage of 0.45% of the participants has other gender, sincerly, i think that you have misused the MS Forms. - Pourquoi n'avez-vous pas mentionné les critères d'inclusion et d'exclusion ? - Pourquoi avez-vous répété et écrit certains résultats obtenus et mentionnés dans le tableau 2 ? - Vous ne devez pas répéter les résultats obtenus dans la section discussion. Conflicts of interest N/A


    © 2021 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Juan, L. D., R., P. G., Erika, Z., Gener, A., Daniel, A., Hector, F. V., Maria, d. l. A. C., Gerardo, S. R., Jose, F. I. 2021. Teaching Anxiety, Stress and Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evaluating the Vulnerability of Academic Professionals in Mexico Through the Adapted COVID-19 Stress Scales. Frontiers in Public Health.