Content of review 1, reviewed on April 15, 2021

The goal is clear. The title is informative and relevant. Relevant references and appropriate key studies are included.

The introduction is already known about this topic.

The methodology is in accordance with the standards of writing scientific articles, no ethics is needed in this writing because it is descriptive

The data displayed is in the form of descriptive review data which contains information on explanation, epidemiology, and literature reviews in terms of various aspects of Biomarkers for Acute Respiratory Distress syndrome and prospects for personalization. medicine.

The discussion is informative enough to contain conclusions from biomarkers for ARDS, and because this article is descriptive, the discussion section is filled with descriptive information.


    © 2021 the Reviewer.


    Savino, S., Mirae, P., Cecilia, T., Tanushree, T., Ryan, T., Tommaso, M., Riccardo, R., Paolo, R., T., H. T., Gaetano, C., Alberto, V. C. 2019. Biomarkers for Acute Respiratory Distress syndrome and prospects for personalised medicine. Journal of Inflammation.