Content of review 1, reviewed on March 01, 2024

English grammar should be reviewed. Could the transformation of the fatty acids to their corresponding fatty acid methyl ester produce any isomerization cis- to trans-? An explanation for EA decreasing after SIC treatment should find out. could the authors utilize a theoretical mixture of elaidic and vaccenic acid to demonstrate the accuracy, sensitivity, reproducibility, and recovery of this methodology? 9t1, 9t2, 9t3, 11t1, 11t2, 11t3 should be better explained. Mores studies with standards of vaccenic and elaidic added to different well characterized fats and oils should be utilized to validate this methodology.


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    Miyoung, Y., Jeong, L. H., Kwang-Won, L., Dongwon, S. 2024. Analysis of Vaccenic and Elaidic acid in foods using a silver ion cartridge applied to GC x GC-TOFMS. Frontiers in Nutrition.