Content of review 1, reviewed on June 20, 2022

The article proposes a study to verify chemotherapy for peritoneal neoplasms treated with chemotherapy and then subjected to treatment with PIPAC and biopsies; Interestingly, as a reading, the PRGS regression index should also be related to radiological images. This would increase the value of the proposed theses and above all would allow patients to be followed up in a detailed manner over time with targeted follow-ups. We remind you that there is currently no work on the subject and this could be an additional data that could give greater value to the work proposed for publication. I absolutely agree with the authors who present their paper as a preliminary study and which deserves a wider study audience, I am in favor of publication.


    © 2022 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Basile, P., Teixeira, F. H., Laura, T., Nicolas, D., Delfyne, H., Patrice, M., Christine, S., Martin, H. 2022. Histological regression of peritoneal metastases of recurrent tubo-ovarian cancer after systemic chemotherapy. Frontiers in Surgery.